Romania Maps

This page will contain maps of cities and regions in Romania. As of now we have one map and one satellite image, but more will be added in time. Please use caution and common sense when downloading the "Huge" versions. They are very large files that few viewers can handle; don't even try to view them in Internet Explorer or Firefox. Instead use "right click" and "Save As" option to save them on your computer and then use a decent image viewer like ACDSee. Also, keep in mind that our server has limited bandwidth and that it might take a long time to download the "Huge" version.

Romania Map
thumbnail map of romania Medium

(1600x1162, 909KB)
(4800x3486, 7.1MB)
(13616x9888, 42.5 MB)

Bucharest Satellite Image
thumbnail image of bucharest Medium

(1102x1600, 562KB)
(3305x4800, 4.4MB)
(11448x16624, 199 MB)