This monastery of Eastern Orthodox monks located in the
Magura village is an old and beautiful place, located in a peaceful meadow
surrounded by forest. The monastery was established in 1520 when the first
church was erected by the boyar (a rich land owner in feudal Romania)
Dumitru Ciolanu of Buzau City. Currently there are two churches, an old one
up on the hill, "St George" Church, erected in 1590 and a new one, "Saints
Apostles Peter and Paul" near the entrance, erected in late 19th century
(1828). Inside the monastery there is a little museum which contains rare
books, icons and paintings by Gheorghe Tattarescu, as well as utensils used
by the monks for arming and pottery-making. In the surrounding forests and
clearings is a scattered open-air exhibition of some 200 sculptures by young